
Our Chips Change The World, That to  be  the  world's  first-class  fabless  IC  design house,  leading the international market with every single chip is the mission  and vision all Anyka staff  has always been striving for.
To achieve such a target and to accomplish the mission of creating value for employees, quality for customers, return for investors, and life for society, Anyka takes the philosophy of  Neutralization and Rationality as the essential motto, abstracts  and   constantly    refines   the  corporate  spirit   of  " Innovative, Focus, Extreme,Understanding",   establishes   the   market   orientation  of  "Your Expectation, Our Silicon-creation", develops  the  characteristic  style  of Serious mind,Quick response,and  Straightforward  efficiency,and always pursues the operation way of Simplization, Proceduralization, Digitalization and Supervisation ("Four-Ation" for short).
The collectivity of excellent Anykanese is the foundation of Anyka and its cause. The competition  strategy  of  Hiring  the  fittest  candidates,   Producing   the   fines t products, Providing  the  best  service  and  Generating  the  most  revenue  as well  as  the  human resources principle of “Comportment  decides  continuance,  Capability decides grade, and Completion decides reward” are hereby created and proved so as to mold a team of fiercely fighting capability without any losing.
